Wish I Had Done That

Pranab Padhi
3 min readMay 7, 2022


This is the photograph of my keyboard :D

There are some days when you just go back to our memory lane and wonder that if you had done certain things back then perhaps your life would have been different. Even I do that too. If I was ever given a chance to go back in the past and relive my life again, I could have done a lot of things. And this thought hasn’t come to my mind like now. It comes during some specific time of my life. Let me tell you how.

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

When I was in high school, I took Science as a major for my 12th grade. But back then I wished if I would have taken Commerce as a major it would have been a lot better. Later, I chose Engineering for my graduation, but during my later years in the college, I wished if only I had chosen Design, or Animation, or Commerce, it would have been better. Even now I wish to go back in time and change certain things like this in my life. Lately, I have been practicing and learning 3D softwares like Blender. And now I wish if I had practiced this earlier, today I would have been somewhat expert in this field. Like I wasted 2 years during my intermediate and 4 years of graduation in perusing something that I now find to be difficult to deal with. Imagine if I had focused on Arts from the very beginning right after my 10th grade. Sometimes I also feel shameful that I am unable to contribute to the science and engineering community that helped me gain so much knowledge.

Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

The fact is that recently I realized that I would love to develop my career in the field of Art, Design or Animation and the business revolving around it. It is something that I do for long hours straight, without getting tired and its a lot of fun. Now that I am 22, it feels so late. When all my peers are having a stable job, enjoying their respective lives, I am here, planning to have a career change.

I was just naïve in the past. Today I regret about the decisions I made in the past. However, lately I realized something. I just imagined myself as a 30 or 40-year-old guy with having nothing but a low paying unsatisfactory career and difficult situations. Well, just like now, how I am willing to go to the past and change certain things about me, similarly that 30 or 40-year-old myself would want desperately to go back when he is 22 and know some sense into him i.e., me right now, in 2022.

Photo by Olena Kamenetska on Unsplash

I do not want to be that 30 or 40-year-old with worst case scenarios. By the time I reach 30 or 40, I don’t want to regret or wish that if I had done something in 2022, life would have been different. Instead, I want to be that guy in my 30s or 40s who would be proud of the decisions that I took within this phase of my life. Or perhaps live a satisfactory life full of peace and fulfillment.

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Pranab Padhi
Pranab Padhi

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